IT solutions for transport and mobile workers
>4500 companies have recognized our system as the best and use it daily
Payback period from 1 day, transportation expenses decrease to 60%
Reduction of routine processes
*FREE training of your staff and all system updates
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BelTransSputnik system
Your competitive advantage
CasesFind out the real savings and payback period of the BelTransSputnik transport management system
Cost calculationOur approach is based on
You only pay for what you need. We audit your company for free and find a customized solution. You choose the level of system capabilities and the scope of services; we offer your best in price solution.
One-time purchase and lifetime warranty
We provide a lifetime warranty on the equipment and free non-warranty repairs (excluding vandalism). Throughout all the time of the system use, you get all system functions, its updates and new items at no extra charge.
Information provided by BelTransSputnik is recognized by the courts of the Republic of Belarus, investigating and law enforcement agencies.
Developed network of regional representatives
Our network of regional representatives includes all regional centers, and several district centers of the Republic of Belarus. You can get advice and assistance where it is convenient for you.
BelTransSputnik is the only supplier of vehicle monitoring systems in Belarus; its own state patent protects technology.
Convenient app on Android and iOS
The system perfectly distributes vehicles to delivery (service) points to meet the requirements of your customers quickly. Our user-friendly interface apps help to do tasks more efficiently.
Your personal project manager
A personal project manager works with you. He studies your business specifics and gives you the best transport management experience in your scope. All this guarantees the speed and clarity of solving any issues.
In-house software with unlimited options
The system created by our team of developers. The BelTransSputnik system is not limited by anything, your system will be developed solve all the tasks you need.
Highly accurate
Legitimate digital maps of Belarus up to 25 m/cm are built into the 'Dispatcher' systems. They are regularly updated by the State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus with the right to post them on the Internet.
Integration with
Vehicle tracking system integrates with any enterprise management system, products 1C, Galaxy and others. It simplifies the data use for enterprise management and enables you to optimize all business processes.
press left mouse button and pull
25 years on the Belarusian market
4 500 customer companies
35 000 connected
Talking about our workand technical innovation in transport management
Mass media about usDiscover the system
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Video about us
Watch the video about our work
As well as company reviews, video cases and employees’ interviews
More about usWe work with more than 4 500 Belarusian companies, who already save on transportation expenses
How quickly will the system pay offOrder a transport management system audit
Our specialists will arrive at the agreed time and Order audit
- They will study your business processes, show what can be optimized
- Determine optimal system functionality
- Calculate the net savings from the system implementation
Contacts Address:
12B Platonova str., Minsk, 220005, Republic of Belarus
Sales department:+375 (17) 270-78-25
Customer support:+375 (17) 270-78-24
Communication with other departments:+375 (17) 375-07-04
Dealers: CONNECTTRANS Ltd. +375(162) 52-02-04 +375(29) 188-111-7 (mob.) AUTOREAANIMATION Ltd. +375(162) 54-54-50 +375(29) 177-01-81 (mob.)
Dealers: KOMSYSTEM ALC +375(212) 67-77-78 +375(212) 67-77-72
EMPLOYEESof BelTransSputnik in Gomel +375 (29) 672-00-96
Dealers: ELEKTRONY VEK Ltd. +375 (232) 21-21-35 +375(29) 331-87-42 (mob.)
Dealers: Electrotech ALC +375(152) 66-48-47 +375(29) 620-89-11 (mob.)